Saturday, July 25, 2009

idk how i got here exactly.

but its time i made some serious decisions about it and stop being upset that this is how things ended up

im sure i will have some big news to share soon...

Saturday, July 18, 2009

and she asked herself

"how did i get this way"

was it too many ciggarettes
or too many nights alone

was it too many chances
or taking a chance when she had everything to loose

was it too many emotions
or not feeling quite enough

was it the failure
or being afraid of sucess

was it hating what she was becoming
or the inability to stop what had already started

was it the fact that she was never quite enough no matter what she did

or was it the simple fact that she coudlnt change what she despratly needed to...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

so im jsut going to go on pretending you didnt hurt me

yup thats exactly what im going to do

and hopefully

one day i will wake up

and it will actually be true